
Trinity Students at a rowing carnival

There's always something happening at Trinity College - keep an eye on our busy events calendar, which includes events for current students, staff, alumni & friends of Trinity College and the general public.
Also stay up-to-date with our latest news & stories.

Event photos can be found on Trinity College's Facebook page and via My Trinity Connect. Videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

The Duke Ellington Sacred Concerts, The Choir of Trinity College, Melbourne and The Toshi Clinch Big Band

Come along to St. Paul's Cathedral to support our Trinity College Choir Performance.

Trinity College Play – Così

Trinity College is proud to present this year's Residential College play, Così.

Zoom lecture from Prof. David Tan: NFT and Art

NFT and Art: Is it a case of Meta-Hustlers looking for Mega-Suckers?

Cordner Oration AFL Preliminary Finals Breakfast

A Word from The Outer!

Trinity College Choir: Performances at Monash University with Eric Whitacre

The Trinity College Choir will perform a number of times from Wednesday 7 September - Friday 9 September at Monash University, with Eric Whitacre.

Barry Marshall Lecture 2022

Join us for the Annual Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture, presented by Dr Hirini Kaa.

Fireside Chat: Nell Pierce

Are you an avid reader or a budding writer? Join us for Nell Pierce's Fireside Chat.

Career Connect: Teaching

Want to make a positive impact on the lives of others? Don't miss this upcoming event that will give you an insight into the teaching profession.

Career Connect: Psychology

Don't miss this opportunity to explore the different career options in the world of psychology.

Public Lecture: Copyright and the Photograph – Exploring Warhol, Instagram and the Metaverse

Hear from Trinity College artist-in-residence (and Trinity alum) Professor David Tan on copyright law and photography. Think Andy Warhol’s iconic silkscreen paintings, reposting of paparazzi photographs by celebrities on social media, NFTs and the metaverse.

Hughes-Cheong Lecture: The Preaching Creature – touching the art of theological anthropology

Join us for the Hughes-Cheong public lecture, to be presented by our visiting scholar Dr Willie James Jennings, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale Divinity School, Yale University.

Trinity in Sydney – Book of Genesis: Politics and Promises

In 2022, faculty from Trinity College Theological School will be teaching seminars and intensives at St James' Institute, Sydney.

Trinity College Choir: Northern Territory Tour

Keep up to date with the Trinity College Choir's performances as they embark on their Northern Territory tour.

Identity and Inclusion: Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman in Mark’s Gospel

Join us for this public lecture that will cover the the socio-cognitive ramifications of ethnic identity in the ancient world, and Jesus' response. 

Sharwood Lecture (Sydney)

A review of the impact of Commonwealth and State laws on religious institutions. 
Displaying results 16 - 30 of 83