The Theological School launches its 2020 academic year with a lecture by Trinity's Stockdale Lecturer in Ethics, Dr Scott Kirkland.
The world is facing a series of crises: from climate apocalypse, to radical economic inequality, to the rise of violent nationalisms. These crises are leading to the slow break-up of the liberal consensus that dominated the 1990s after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the emergence of new political realities. In this lecture we'll explore the way that the ends of various histories can serve as occasion for the performance of hope, disarmed of illusion and beyond optimism, and the importance of the study of theology for this task.
Scott Kirkland is a theological ethicist working in the areas of modern German thought, political theology and literature and theology.
Date: Thursday 12 March 2020
Time: 7.30-9.00pm
Location: Theological School, Old Warden's Lodge, Trinity College
RSVP: This is a free event, but RSVPs essential via this link.