People speaking

About the School

Trinity College Theological School offers courses at all levels of study, taught by an international faculty.

Take a closer look at our campus via a virtual tour below! 

Who we are

Established in 1877, Trinity College Theological School is committed to shaping men and women who wish to pursue ordination in the Anglican Church, develop skills for lay ministry, or simply explore Christian faith for personal or vocational enrichment and development.

Through the University of Divinity, the School offers high-quality, accredited degrees and diplomas, and also serves the wider community by offering professional development workshops, seminars and lectures in our Continuing Education program.

Trinity prepares students for the diversity of the modern church, by learning about a variety of models of church and theological ideas in contemporary society. Our students come from diverse backgrounds; they undertake study for many reasons and in a variety of ways. Part-time and full-time students from the online and parish programs are encouraged to engage in open discussion and lively debate about the scriptures and Anglican traditions, and how these apply to life today.

Trinity College Theological School offers an inclusive, supportive community where:

  • you learn in small groups, where your questions and ideas are welcomed
  • classes are taught online and on-campus normally (during periods of social distancing, classes have moved to an entirely online format)
  • part-time study is an option for all your courses
  • flexible online units are available for most units
  • financial support can be provided to help ordinands complete degrees full-time
  • a small number of scholarships may be available to assist you to live on campus.

Vision and Objectives

  • To become the leading Anglican Theological College within Australia, with a resilient and dynamic base, an appeal to the broad, Catholic Anglican tradition in the Diocese of Melbourne, Province of Victoria and beyond, and a strong and vibrant program of teaching.
  • To continue rigorous and inventive ministry formation for lay and ordained men and women, offering new models and patterns of worship and mission for new and changing contexts.
  • To produce internationally recognised research. 
  • To develop strong ecumenical links and partnerships.
  • To enable our community to celebrate its diversity.

Inclusion Policy

Trinity College Theological School community is a diverse and inclusive one, and we acknowledge that human rights and social justice apply to everyone. We adhere to the University of Divinity’s Inclusion Policy, established to reflect the rights and responsibilities of all members – including academic and administration staff, and students. 

The University of Divinity and Trinity College Theological School are committed to:

  • the admission of students on the basis of academic merit 
  • the inclusion, engagement and support of students of a variety of beliefs, backgrounds and abilities 
  • fostering a culture that is free from discrimination based on disability, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, colour, race, ethnicity or country of origin
  • the provision of reasonable support to all students to assist them to enjoy a rich participation in university life
  • creating an accessible and inclusive environment for all students.

Included with the policy is a Student Application for Support form. This can be used by students who may benefit from additional support, based on a specific need or condition. Examples of this include consultation with students with disability to determine the most appropriate level of support; making reasonable adjustments to usual policy of practice in order to meet the needs of a student with disability; taking steps to eliminate obstacles and barriers to access; and identifying and attempting to stop cases of bullying. For more information, please contact the Course Coordinator, who can assist the student with lodging this form. A possible outcome of this application process is a specially prepared Student Support Plan that can be raised to the attention of the student’s lecturers.

For further information: