RSVP: By 5pm, Friday 29 July 2022
Enquiries: Briony O'Halloran | events@trinity.unimelb.edu.au | 03 9348 7536
Professor David Tan is presently Head (Intellectual Property) at the EW Barker Centre for Law & Business, and Co-Director of the Centre for Technology, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence & the Law (TRAIL) at NUS Law. He served as Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) at NUS Law from January 2015 to June 2021 where he had oversight of the undergraduate and postgraduate coursework curriculum. David holds PhD, LLB (First Class Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce degrees from the University of Melbourne and an LLM from Harvard. He was also Valedictorian at Trinity College in 1994.
At NUS, David pioneered courses in Entertainment Law, Fashion Law, Freedom of Speech and Privacy & Data Protection Law; he has also taught as a visitor at Melbourne Law School, Tsinghua Tokyo (Toida) and University of Hong Kong. His areas of research cover personality rights, copyright, trademarks, freedom of expression and tort law. He has published almost 100 articles, comments, book chapter and op-eds since joining NUS Law in 2008.
David has distinguished himself as a fine art and fashion photographer having had a number of solo exhibitions since 1999, such as Private Moments (presented by TAG Heuer, CNBC Asia and American Express); Visions of Beauty (presented by Versace); Tainted Perfection (presented by Cartier) and 7 Rules (presented by 7 For All Mankind). His photographic works – advertising campaigns, celebrity features and fashion editorials – have appeared in publications such as Vanity Fair, Time, Harper’s Bazaar, and Marie Claire.