Church governance has not come easily for the Anglican Church of Australia. First it was part of the state government. Then it had constitutions that had to provide some legal identity and secure tenure of its property. It was not separate from the state. It just had a different relationship with it. But it could not escape Jesus’ foundational truth that his kingdom was not of this world. That truth is especially threatened in our generation, but in a curious way provides some clue to being a church that manifests the character of Jesus’ kingdom.
Date: Wednesday 11 March
Time: 7.15pm with light refreshments to follow
Location: St James’ Church, King Street, Sydney (in conjunction with the St James’ Institute)
Tickets: Tickets are free of charge, but you must RSVP by Friday 4 March via this link
Enquiries: Matilda Sholly | 03 9348 7527 | events@trinity.unimelb.edu.au
The Sharwood Lecture will be delivered by The Rev'd Dr Bruce Kaye, AM, former General Secreatry of the Anglican Church of Australia and current Adjunct Research Professor in the Centre for Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University.