Young Leaders Program


Intakes | Entry Requirements | Fees | Scholarships | Applications and Offers | Acceptance | Airport Pickups | Travel Insurance | Accommodation | Mentoring | Student Welfare | YLP Commission Payments

Young Leaders Program

The Young Leaders Program (YLP) has been developing future leaders since 2001. The program encourages students to immerse themselves in intellectually exciting academic streams, created by our talented academics who are leaders in their fields.

The Young Leaders Program provides students aged between 14 and 17 years of age the opportunity to broaden their outlook on learning and study, be inspired, gain confidence, practice leadership skills, and consider their future life and career direction. 

Each year more than 300 students from around the world participate in this life-changing residential program. The opportunity to live on campus and participate in lectures and workshops at Trinity College and the University of Melbourne with like-minded young leaders from around the world provides students a unique international experience.

To hear what students think about the program, click below.

YLP Testimonials


The Young Leaders Program runs in July and December. Students can attend for one to two weeks.

For key dates, click below.

YLP Dates

Entry Requirements

Students must provide the following when applying for the Young Leaders Program:

  • A 300-word personal statement that explains why they want to join the Young Leaders Program, with reference to their leadership qualities. They should outline their interest in the subject stream/s they would like to participate in and can mention things they hope to achieve during the program. They can also outline special interests or extracurricular activities they participate in, and awards or certifications held.
  • A letter of support from their social club or an agent endorsing their attitude to learning and academic and/or extracurricular performance, as well as their English proficiency (all classes are taught in English).
  • A copy of their passport.


Fees vary depending on the length of the program the student is undertaking.

All program costs cover:

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • All transport during the scheduled program
  • Airport transfers to and from Trinity College for student arriving on flights (Tullamarine Airport ONLY)
  • All materials required for the course
  • Linen, including sheets, blankets, pillow and towels (one change of linen will be provided for two weeks)
  • Laundry use, including washing machines, dryers, irons and washing powder.
  • WiFi and use of a computer room with internet facilities.

For more information about YLP fees, click below.

YLP Fees


Scholarships are awarded to international students who enter and are successful in the annual essay writing competitions conducted in various countries.

Please speak to your regional manager to see if there are scholarships available in your country.

Applications and Offers

Applications can be submitted to 

After emailing a student's application, you will receive a notification from our tracking system to confirm it has been received. All correspondence must be continued in the same email chain.

Incomplete application forms will not be processed until all required documentation is submitted.

We endeavour to process applications within three working days, however, in peak times there may be a delay of up to five working days. The speed of application processing also depends on the completeness of the application.

A Letter of Offer will be issued once the application has been assessed and is successful.

For more information about YLP applications and offers, click below.

YLP Applications & Offers



To accept a place in YLP:

  • Follow the instructions set out on the student's Letter of Offer.
  • Return Trinity College's acceptance page, signed and dated (note, a parent must sign the form).
  • Refer to the amount due and payment methods on the acceptance letter.
  • Provide proof of payment e.g. TT transcript, credit card form fully completed or a copy of the bank draft.

Once processed, our Young Leaders team will send a receipt and confirmation of enrolment.

Airport Pick Up

Students must arrive on the first day of the program and depart on the final day and need to complete an arrival and departure form. Students will be picked up at Melbourne Tullamarine Airport.

Travel Insurance

Students must have travel insurance for the duration of their travel and program. Details must be provided to our Young Leaders team on the student's arrival and departure form.


All students stay in a Trinity College dorm room, sharing with one other student of the same gender. Males and females will be in separate buildings on the campus. Each floor is supervised by at least two mentors. On each floor, there is a shared bathroom with toilets, showers and a laundry. In the evenings and on weekends, Trinity College has its own security guard/caretaker to ensure the safety of students.


All students participating in the Young Leaders Program at Trinity College are allocated into a group of approximately 10 students, plus a mentor who will help them settle quickly into the course and life at College. Mentors are all high-achieving University of Melbourne undergraduate and graduate students who have been specifically trained to provide support and guidance, and they take a special interest in students' overall adjustment during the program. Mentors are readily accessible and are actively involved in many aspects of the course.

Young Leaders mentors are carefully selected for their ability to be positive role models. Mentors help run extracurricular activities, including trivia night, cultural night and karaoke night. Such activities provide opportunities for students to get to know each other and enrich the learning experience.

Student Welfare

For many students in the Young Leaders Program, their stay at Trinity College may be their first experience of life away from home. The College does all it can to ensure students feel personally supported and encouraged to participate in all that is on offer.

Staff from the Young Leaders Program live at the College throughout the course. This means they are available to provide assistance and advice to students at all times. Trinity College is a secure facility, protected by 24-hour security personnel in addition to resident staff and student mentors.

YLP Commission Payments

Commission invoices should be submitted to Chris Fyfe ( within two weeks of the completion of the program with the student's ID, name and week/s attended.